Dragon Party Club

Dragon Party Club is an NFT community that helps you earn royalties. Our developers use your NFT to develop their games, and you get royalties when your NFT is used in the game. Just sit back, relax, and party while we do the hard work for you.

Dragon Party Club Logo
Dragon Party Club header

Party with our Dragons on an exciting adventure. Bringing you a whole new level of experiences when you become one of our NFT Holders and received Royalties as our exclusive member of our community.

Your exclusive access to Dragon Party Club

TLDR We make it easy for you. Watch our video and understand our project in less than 3 mins. Introduction to DPC

Introduction to DPC

Our Utilities

Click Below to Join Our Discord

Dragon Party Club discord
Dragon Party Club discord

Who Are We – A club that turn dreams into a reality. Rewarding our NFT holders with Royalties in Stable coins. All they have to do is sit back, relax and party while we do the heavy lifting.

What Are We Doing – We want to be a platform that allows our NFTs to collaborate with mobile game developers and reward our Holders with Royalties.

When Moon – We have Gold, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth. Each element represents a single type of game. Game developers that we are partnering with will be using our NFT artworks for their game creation. We will be supporting game developers in marketing and develop strategies eg. in-game rewards to attract more players to play. Game rewards will be mainly in Stable coins, contributed by Dragon Party Club.
More Rewards - More Players - More Revenue - More Royalties

Where Are We Heading Next – After the launched of the initial five games, we welcome more developers, studios and kick-starter to our platform for collaboration. Operating as a Launchpad for games, we want to have different genre like action, casual, MOBA, puzzle, strategy and many more on our platform. Our aim is to shower our Holders with more Royalties.

Why Mobile Games – Mobile games are the most accessible to users. They can play anywhere and at any time at their convenience. As per research, global mobile gaming is dominating the market with an estimated revenue of $92bn in year 2022.

How to party – We will be keeping 1230 sets of our NFTs. A portion of the Royalties collected will be contributed to the in-game rewards to constantly maintain or increase the rewards pool. The rest will be used for marketing, operating expenses, giveaways, merchandise and even party events.

Dragon Party Club meet
Dragon Party Club gold

Strong symbol of life with growth and strength. With their ability to grow and immerse strength, these dragons are stronger, larger, and wealthier than you think. They will rock the town alive when they party!

Dragon Party Club earth

Prestigious, prosperous, wealthy dragons. Endless vitamin M that allows them to party and have fun every night!

Dragon Party Club gold

Strong symbol of life with growth and strength. With their ability to grow and immerse strength, these dragons are stronger, larger, and wealthier than you think. They will rock the town alive when they party!

Dragon Party Club gold

Dragons with wisdom and strength. Able to purify and cleanse your soul with a glass of drinks. Often seen hanging out at beach and pool parties!

Dragon Party Club earth

Fire that burns for eternity. Dragons that are too hot to handle. Arriving at the club in their hot wheels and ordering glasses of flaming Lamborghini throughout their party.

Dragon Party Club earth

Longevity, infinite, the great Mother Nature. Dragons that always stand their ground. With their stability, you won’t often see them swaying to the music on the dance floor, but a party is always their kind of thing.

The Dragon Party Team

Dragon Party Club party

You Party

Most people will choose to Party over Work! We want our holders to party and dance with our dragons while showering them with Royalties in Stable coins. Loyalties for Royalties!

We Work

The three of us are fathers working in the corporate world for many years. Mobile gaming has become the most convenient way of entertainment during our free time as it allows us to attend urgent task when we are call upon.

Spending money in mobile games has been a norm for us. We often joke about how rich we would have become if we own part of the game company.

In 2021, we were introduced to NFTs during a crypto event. Amazed by the concept and technology behind it, we decided to create something fun and crazy.

We are going to change the world of mobile gaming!

Artwork for game creation
Dragon Party Club steps Dragon Party Club steps
Game Launched
Dragon Party Club steps Dragon Party Club steps

How Does it work?

Dragon Party Club how-work
  • Dragon Party Club yellow-egg

    Each element is made up of 20,000 NFTs. Each element represents a single type of game.

  • Dragon Party Club yellow-egg

    Holder will receive 45% royalties based on the element collected.

  • Dragon Party Club yellow-egg

    Royalties will be shared equally among the number of holders for each collected element.

  • Dragon Party Club yellow-egg

    Future collaboration. More royalties.

  • Dragon Party Club yellow-egg

    Mint price 0.123 ETH each, excluding gas fee.

Dragon Party Club
  • Dragon Party Club yellow-egg

    Unlock our Special NFT for free when you mint all 5 elements at one go.

  • Dragon Party Club yellow-egg

    Limited as not everyone will mint all 5 at one go. This will make your Special 6th extremely rare.

  • Dragon Party Club yellow-egg

    Additional 15% royalties on top of the 45%.

  • Dragon Party Club yellow-egg

    Royalties will be shared equally among the number of holders holding the special 6th

  • Dragon Party Club yellow-egg

    Future collaboration. More royalties!

Click Below to Join Our Discord

Your Journey Starts Here



By sharing the same vision, we will embark on a road to success. All you have to do is sit back, relax and party. “You Party WeWork”


Eggs Laid

Once we have all the Dragon Eggs together, we will start off with groundwork and foundation building for our upcoming Dragon Party Club Success Celebration. We will update the progress on Discord and Twitter.



It’s almost time to party. Keeping our eggs safe and warm till they hatch. Taking extra care as not to ruin all the hard work with speed. While waiting for the mobile games to hatch, we will help market the games on social media platforms.



It’s all about beta and alpha testing. Stay tune and get ready for the big debut. We welcome our holders to test the games for bugs and glitch before the launch.



Rise of a new ERA. Time to Party and celebrate. Let’s soar to the skies with our Dragons and dance. It’s all about Revenues and Royalties!

Loyalties for Royalties.

Dragon Party Club mint